Well, we’ve certainly heard it all before, ‘Is the glass half empty, or is it half full?’ Anxious to start our bus trip to Canandaigua, NY, the first bus driver says he’s going to wine country, and of course we ask, “To Wegman’s Farm?” No, is the reply. The second bus driver is going to NYC. Finally, the correct bus saunters in, and we all climb in and meet Anthony (not Tony), our affable bus driver. (Anthony comes along later as our unsuspecting hero of the day.)
It rains most of the day, and for those of us who are too well heeled for the farm walk, some of us opt to exchange our city soles for rubber boots. This 50-acre organic farm lays hillside, beautifully
overlooking Canandaigua Lake, and one could only imagine if any sun had shown that day, it might have been scenery one would never tire of. What captivated my first impression was the 2005-built post and beam barn, its laborers, and surprisingly, its lack of an austere grand welcome entrance. It’s a farm. A good old-fashion farm with farms tools scattered throughout and if you look up, you see lavender drying as it is hung by twine from the wood beam ceiling.
Only two bathrooms serviced our bus load of eager travelers, and after a very long wait, some of us walked up the muddy hill to the green houses while some rode in the bus. Before stepping into any of the green houses, one must step in a tray of disinfectant to vanquish any organisms, a biosecurity hand-me-down no doubt since the appearance of foot and mouth disease in 2001 in Europe.
So what is it about Wegman’s Organic Farm that was worth the trip? Well other than meeting our very welcoming down-to-earth hosts Roger and Alison, we learn that of the 50 acres only 4 ½ acres are actually used to grow what is brought into the local stores. Of the 4 ½ acres, only 3 ½ acres are used at any one time, while the other acre remains farrow until the crops are rotated. The Vermont Compost Company provides the farm its potting soil. The in-line green houses are actually on rails and can move up to 600 linear feet on the rail system to accommodate early sowed plants. Some of us were delighted to enjoy hand-picked Favorita cherry tomatoes fresh off the vine. How about the mouth watering chocolate tomatoes (more for their chocolate appearance than sweet taste)?
Also noteworthy, did you know that Castor oil on sticks in a raised garden bed keeps the menacing flea beetle away? Did you know that asparagus grows 1 to 1 ½” per hour? But the best this writer walked away learning about was organic micro greens. Think micro arugula, think baby beets. You’ll not find these in the Buffalo market however! They are so fragile, they only make it to stores that are within an hour away.
Here is the run down of micro green production currently growing and much sought after: basil, radish, mustard, arugula, pac choi, amaranth, chard, mizuna, cabbage, leeks and onions. One of the laborers we met makes up 75 potting trays at one time, plants the seeds, and at the right time, uses scissors to lob off the fine fresh cuttings that make it to the market.
After our visit we were all famished and ready to depart from this beloved farm, when Anthony informed us that upon his routine inspection of the bus, he found the driver’s side wheel had a seal that leaked significantly. This bus was not going anywhere.
Anthony saved us from what could have been another bus trip gone wrong at highway speeds! Bless you our professional driver!
With this bus in need of on-sight repairs, and with all of us near-starving, the bus company sent another bus to our rescue to take us to a local Wegman’s store for lunch. We were to meet up with Anthony and our original bus much later after repairs and after we all had enjoyed our meal.
We finished out our day at the New York Wine and Culinary Center where we had the opportunity to taste the season’s best local wines and beer.
Special thanks to our WNYHSG special events trip organizer and first vice president Cathy P-S. Rain did not defeat us, nor a broken down bus!
Gary W., WNYHSG Historian